Modernize the design and user experience of the University of Southern California Registrar website to enable students to navigate through a wide range of online services and information.
The University of Southern California is a leading private research university located in Los Angeles. The USC Registrar offers a wide variety of services, including academic review, classroom scheduling, curriculum, degree progress, grades, and veterans affairs.
Incoming USC students are digital natives with high expectations about the digital services provided by the university. The USC Registrar had rapidly expanded its range of online services, but some of these services were difficult to find and use, and not optimized for mobile devices. The Registrar needed to modernize the user experience and information design of its website while adopting a modern technology platform to enable the Registrar’s team to quickly publish new content.
The USC Registrar selected Urban Insight to help create a modern and compelling new website design aligned with USC’s strong brand guidelines. The new user experience simplifies navigation options for website visitors and is optimized for mobile devices, which represents a sizable percentage of visitors. The new platform is developed on WordPress, using a modern component framework enabling Registrar staff to create a wide variety of pages using custom layouts.